About RTAI-Lab

The RTAI-Lab project provides a tool chain to develop block diagrams that can be compiled and executed on the RTAI real-time Linux operating system. RTAI-Lab is included in the RTAI distribution.

Block diagrams can be developed using either Scilab/Scicos (Open Source) or Matlab/Simulink/RTW (commercial).

See also:

RTAI-Lab in action

RTAI-Lab main features

RTAI-Lab bug reports

To report bugs, ask questions, or submit improvements contact roberto.bucher at supsi.ch.For bug reports please provide Linux kernel version, RTAI version, RTAI patch number, CPU type, data acqusition hardware type, Scilab version, gcc/g++/cpp versions, the block diagram that may cause the bug (.cos file), outputs using verbose option “-v”, and possibly kernel logs resulting from “tail -f /var/log/syslog”. RTAI-Lab project leaders

Roberto Bucher, roberto.bucher at supsi.ch Lorenzo Dozio, lorenzo.dozio at polimi.it