RTAI - Real Time Application Interface Official Website
This is the homepage of RTAI - the RealTime Application Interface for Linux - which lets you write applications with strict timing constraints for your favorite operating system. Like Linux itself, this software is a community effort. If you are interested in what it does, just join our mailing list and help our team!
RTAI supports:
- x86 (with and without FPU and TSC)
- x86_64
- ARM (obsolete support; it is being reworked)
Older versions of RTAI also supported:
- PowerPC
- m68k (supporting both MMU and NOMMU cpus)
The RTAI distribution includes RTAI-Lab, a tool chain to convert block diagrams into RTAI executables and to monitor their operation on various targets.
Two development branches are available:
- vesuvio : this branch is relatively stable, and can be used, with some caution, for production
- magma : this branch can be in an unstable state, but it should be possible to use it as well